Rachel Kaye Rachel Kaye

I’m tired of Self-Care

Who else is fatigued by self care? Now an everyday term, self care has become a catch-all for looking after our own well being. Industries have capitalized on it, to address mental health it is insisted upon, and thousands of articles offer the many ways to practice it.

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Rachel Kaye Rachel Kaye

Let’s Talk About: Negative & Positive Expression

When referring to a flower essence, you’ll often hear the comparison between negative and positive expression. Some people might find this quite helpful in identifying with certain descriptions as this can help decide which essence is right for them, and others might be quite off put by the idea of labelling certain traits negative, especially if they were developed out of the result of something beyond their control

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Rachel Kaye Rachel Kaye

How to: Understand Bach’s System

While taking flower essences is quite simple and straightforward, choosing which essence is right for you can be difficult! Here is a brief guide to help better understand which flower essence to take when and for what emotion.

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Rachel Kaye Rachel Kaye

An introduction

Welcome to Befriend Botanicals. A practice developed out of wanting to help others find a greater sense of connection to themselves and the world around them. I share the belief that plants are not here for us to ‘use’; instead, that their medicine is offered through the alliances we create with them.

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