An introduction

Welcome to Befriend Botanicals.

My name is Rachel, and you can read more about my background here.

Befriend Botanicals was a practice developed out of wanting to help others find a greater sense of connection to themselves and the world around them. I share the belief that plants are not here for us to ‘use’; instead, that their medicine is offered through the alliances we create with them. This is available and accessible to us at any moment - it simply begins with acknowledging the plants wisdom. As you take your essences, drink your tea, or sit with a plant in direct perception, you are in conversation with them. Like any teacher or mentor, they respond well to respect and curiosity! And when we give space to listen, we often find the answers we are looking for.

I am passionate about re-acquainting ourselves to plant medicine - to understand it beyond psychedelics and herbal remedies. We do not need props or accessories to be in communication with nature, we only need to be present. If you are not yet in a position to work with flower essences, you can begin by sitting under a tree. Keep flowers in your garden or window sill. Even just reflecting or meditating on an image of your favourite plant can be the start of this friendship.

The botanical world accepts you exactly as you are. It wants to connect with us. Humans and plants have lived together in harmony for many years prior to our modern world. We haven’t lost that yet. Let us remember what is most natural to us, that we are meant to know and be in communion with our botanical allies. They remember us.


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