A la Carte

bouquet of purple yellow green flowers on dark background

Flower Essences

  • An initial in depth (once occurring) consultation followed by a custom remedy blend to help address your concerns and goals.

    Ideal for those who only want guidance in formulating a flower essence blend.

    For follow up appointments, see our Bespoke Flower Essence Treatments.

  • Consultation + flower essence blend - 1hr

    *Flower essence blend included in the price.

Felt sense

  • For those who are looking for a way to enchance their mind-body connection. Felt sense brings somatic awareness to thoughts, emotions, and pain we might hold in our bodies. Your session is self guided by tuning into your internal experience, with the support and reflections of your facilitator.

    This is not a substitute for therapy.

  • Initial Consultation - 1 hr

    Follow up - 45 min


  • A multifaceted approach to body work. Informed by massage, reiki, flower essences and floral acupuncture, aromatherapy, and somatic awareness. Sessions can include a blend of the different modalities, or as indidivual treatments.

    Coming Soon.

  • Coming Soon.