Bespoke Programs

consultation with book and flowers on table

Ideal for:

-Those who are seeking one to one support on a regular basis.

-Addressing long standing or persistent emotional concerns.

-Those who enjoy flower essences and want to explore them in more depth.

-Those who benefit from consistency and accountability with goals.

-Those who feel emotions coming to the surface and need support in processing them.

tincture bottle with sunshine and on marble table

What is included?

Prior to our initial session, you will be sent a comprehensive intake form that we will discuss during your consultation. This will help to narrow down what specific goals you have and are wanting to address. Our sessions will include felt sense, emotional well being support, goal setting, and a custom flower essence blend. Sessions will be tailored to meet your needs each time we meet.

Follow up sessions can be booked once a week, every 2 weeks, or once a month. At the beginning, it is recommended your first follow up is within 2 weeks of taking the essences.

You can expect your session to be held with unconditional positive regard, from a person-centred, non-judgmental approach. You are the expert of your own life, and our goal is for you to feel as empowered as possible in your emotional well-being. I am here to support you.

Our fees

  • Initial Consultation

    Consultation, emotional well-being support, felt sense, flower essence blend formulation

    1-1.5 hr
    *Flower essence blend included in the price.

  • Follow Up

    Continued support and assessment


  • Bundle


    Initial consultation, 2 follow up sessions.

    *(1) Flower essence blend included in the price.