Your connection to

Botanical Alliances for harmonious well being

books plants academia light

how to heal with botanical Allies

  • The resonance of specific flowers and plants imprinted on water to help shift and balance thought patterns and emotions.

  • Grounded in a compassion focused and client centered approach, we will work together to make reaching your goals feel achievable. We will incorporate tools such as felt sense and flower essences to support your process.

  • After an initial consultation, we will establish what goals you want to work towards and collaboratively create a plan to support you that feels realistic and sustainable for your lifestyle.

Our name was chosen intentionally as a verb - to inspire our client’s choice to befriend botanicals, to be in communication with the plants.

Through this awareness and perception, these allies can help attend to emotional concerns that are recent or situational as well as those that feel stuck or stagnant.

tincture bottle on stand sun shadows plant

Harmonious Well-being for you

Remote/online sessions

Video calls to support you with emotional well-being and flower essences.

Schedule your consultation

In person sessions

One off appointments or treatment programs. A combination of massage, aromatherapy, flower essences, and somatic healing.

Coming soon.



Bespoke Treatments

Together we assess and create a treatment plan tailored to your specific concerns.

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Be your own healer

Know what you want or need? Choose your treatments a la carte.

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be Curious

Writings, resources, events.

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